Former US President Donald Trump has paid a $110,000 fine for obstructing a major tax evasion investigation led since 2019 by New York state authorities

Former US President Donald Trump has paid a $110,000 fine for obstructing a major tax evasion investigation led since 2019 by New York state authorities

Trump was ordered April 25 by New York state's Supreme Court to pay $10,000 a day for as long as he refused to provide accounting and tax documents as part of a civil investigation by the Attorney General of the state, Letitia James, against the Trump Organization family business.

"On May 19, Donald Trump paid the attorney general's office $110,000," a spokesperson for James's office said.

James and the Republican billionaire have been engaged in a fierce procedural battle for months.

But New York state had also demanded accounting and tax documents from the Trump Organization before March 31.

Faced with Donald Trump's refusal, James demanded obtained a ruling on April 25 that he be charged with obstruction.

On May 6, however, the New York judge suspended the counting of days for which he should be fined and decided that Donald Trump would have until Friday May 20 to pay for the period from April 25 to May 6, or 110,000 for 11 days -- which is what he did on Thursday.

According to James' spokesperson, the Trump camp also had until Friday to submit sworn statements relating to the Trump Organization's request for accounting and tax records.

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