Seven U.S. members of Congress call on Biden to withdraw support for Haiti's Henry
Credits: Ralph Tedy Erol / REUTERS

Seven U.S. members of Congress call on Biden to withdraw support for Haiti's Henry

A group of seven U.S. members of Congress on Wednesday called on President Joe Biden to withdraw support for Haiti's Prime Minister Ariel Henry, saying he lacks legitimacy to organize the elections needed to resolve the country's political crisis.

Representatives led by Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick, a Haitian American who won a Florida congressional seat in January, said in a letter that the United States should instead support efforts to create a transitional government.

Henry became prime minister shortly after President Moise was killed. He has promised to hold elections but has made little progress in creating an elections council - a crucial first step for holding a vote.

The Biden administration, however, has not shown signs that it is interested in abandoning Henry.

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