Mexico lawmakers advance bill to punish leaks of victim images

Mexico lawmakers advance bill to punish leaks of victim images

Mexico's lower house of Congress approved a bill to punish officials who release images of crime victims -- a move prompted by leaked photographs of a brutal femicide that shocked the country.

The legislation, known as Ingrid's Law, was voted through late Wednesday by the Chamber of Deputies but still needs to be passed by the upper house, the Senate.

It follows the case of 25-year-old Ingrid Escamilla who was murdered and skinned by her partner in Mexico City in February 2020, triggering public outrage.

Images of her mutilated body were published in tabloid newspapers, sparking protests in the capital.

Mexico City Mayor Claudia Sheinbaum at the time called for those responsible for leaking the photographs to be brought to justice.

Under Ingrid's Law, public servants who disseminate images, audios, videos, documents or information on criminal investigations, personal conditions of victims or the circumstances of crimes could face up to 10 years in prison.

The bill is aimed at forensic experts, police officers or investigators rather than media that publish images of crime victims.

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