Saudi says Yemen rebel attacks 'threat' to oil supplies

Saudi says Yemen rebel attacks 'threat' to oil supplies

Top crude exporter Saudi Arabia warned Monday that Yemeni rebel attacks on the kingdom's oil facilities pose a "direct threat" to global supplies.

Saudi Arabia "will not incur any responsibility" for shortages in oil supplies in light of the Iran-backed Huthi attacks, the foreign ministry said.

The foreign ministry statement comes a day after the kingdom acknowledged a temporary drop in production after the Huthis attacked a refinery with an armed drone.

The drone assault on the YASREF refinery in Yanbu Industrial City on the Red Sea "led to a temporary reduction in the refinery's production", the Saudi energy ministry said Sunday.

The Iran-backed Huthis, against whom Saudi Arabia leads a military coalition in Yemen, have repeatedly targeted the kingdom, including sites belonging to energy giant Aramco.

The Yemeni insurgents said Sunday they launched cross-border drone and missile attacks that targeted a number of "vital and important" establishments.

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