Lebanon needs a parallel authority that is truly representative of the real people

Lebanon needs a parallel authority that is truly representative of the real people

Unless we create a parallel authority that is truly representative of the real Lebanese people, the whole world will only listen to the official thugs in reign: those who already headed the country and those who you have newly elected.


At this particular time in Lebanon's history, the presidential elections that is, the pathway will be suicidal and the consequences almost forever: we will be doomed for a very very very long time.


Every time I have proposed behind closed doors a plan for a self-proclaimed Lebanese authority that is genuinely representative of the Lebanese, I have been opposed. Opposed by people who lack courage, by newbies who know nothing about real resistance, by fake nationalist leaders and groups who fear for their tribal stature.


Democratic ways are not applicable under occupation, or in dire times such as those we go through. We are at war, at war with an occupying force called Iran. When at war you don’t do politics, you fight back.


That said and done, we need one person who truly can and could push for such a daring plan and save the country before it is too late. That is what leaders are about. They set the trend, accept to take the first shot from the enemy and show the way. The rest usually follows.

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