Moscow accuses France of 'colonial' approach in Mali

Moscow accuses France of 'colonial' approach in Mali

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Friday accused France of having a "colonial mentality" towards Mali while hosting his Malian counterpart Abdoulaye Diop in Moscow.

France's "dissatisfaction with the intent of Malian leadership to seek help from external security forces is nothing other than a recurrence of colonial mentality," Lavrov told reporters.

He warned against the "real danger of enclaves of anarchy appearing where fighters of illegal armed groups will act freely".

"This threatens its territorial integrity of the country and we have already said this several times to our French colleagues," Lavrov said.

"We understand but we do not appreciate the attempts of France and other EU countries to claim a dominant role in Africa and other regions," Lavrov said.

He added that Moscow is ready "to increase the combat capabilities of the Malian armed forces", particularly in the training of soldiers and law enforcement.

He also assured that Moscow will continue to deliver mineral fertiliser, petroleum products and wheat to Mali amid growing concerns of a global food crisis.

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