Parents and child drown in France after wave hits coast

Parents and child drown in France after wave hits coast

Two parents and their child died in western France after a powerful wave swept them out to sea as they were fishing on a dyke in Brittany, authorities said Friday.

The 55-year-old father and 33-year-old mother were pulled out of the water early Thursday evening in the western town of Plogoff in cardiac arrest but rescuers were unable to resuscitate them.

The body of the 12-year-old child was found later in the evening.

Three other children of the family, aged 13 to 15, were not on the dyke and survived the surprise wave but were in shock and being treated by psychological services.

There were strong waves at the time but the weather conditions were not stormy, a spokesperson for maritime officials said.

Witnesses immediately called rescuers who dispatched paramedics and three helicopters to search for the victims, who lived in the nearby town of Audierne.

"There are circumstances that make the coast dangerous around here. I'm warning people, you have to be extremely careful," Plogoff Mayor Joel Yvenou told the local Telegramme newspaper.

"It's terrible, the season hasn't begun yet and there are already victims," he added.

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