PM Boris Johnson warns that UK trade benefits post Brexit are not certain

PM Boris Johnson warns that UK trade benefits post Brexit are not certain

Economic benefits to Britain from trade deals struck following Brexit are "extremely uncertain", a cross-party committee of UK lawmakers concluded in a report published Friday.

The warning by the Public Accounts Committee comes as Britain next week holds talks with the United States as it looks to secure a trade deal with the world's biggest economy.

However, the committee cast doubt on the government's goal of having 80 percent of the UK's trade covered by free-trade deals by the end of 2022.

The government of Prime Minister Boris Johnson was "pursuing a state-by-state approach to allow the UK to trade more at a state level with large economies such as California".

The report concluded that there "is no guarantee that the agreements will deliver actual economic benefits" unless the Department for International Trade "provides vital support to help businesses use the agreements, particularly for smaller" ones.

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