A banana in the morning or in the evening? Nutritionists' response
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A banana in the morning or in the evening? Nutritionists' response

Bananas contain a good dose of energy and many other virtues. But at what time of the day is it best to eat them to fully benefit of its qualities?

The banana is the ultimate mood-boosting fruit: It is an excellent source of dopamine, tryptophan, and vitamin B6, which all have a positive effect on mood," explains Émeline Bacot, a nutritionist.

"As it is also rich in potassium, it helps reduce blood pressure and is therefore helpful against hypertension," she adds. Furthermore, it also plays an anti-acid role, making it an ally for people suffering from heartburn and acid reflux.

The riper the banana, the more its starch converts into simple sugars and the higher its glycemic index becomes. This makes it an ideal fruit when you need a quick energy boost in the morning before heading to work.

Moreover, bananas are richne in carbohydrates, B-group vitamins, potassium, and magnesium which makes it an ideal fruit for athletes. "Bananas help replenish glycogen stores but also regulate the acidity generated by physical activity," explains the nutritionist. However, it is not recommended to consume it in a smoothie as this significantly reduces the level of flavonols (antioxidants) found in it.

Eating a banana in the evening has long been discouraged by doctors due to its reputation as a "heavy" and difficult-to-digest fruit. However, following the example of Dr. Santosh Pandey, a naturopath, many nutritionists now recommend eating a banana in the evening to benefit from its richness in tryptophan.

This essential amino acid, when combined with vitamin B6, allows for the synthesis of serotonin and melatonin. They therefore play an essential role in falling asleep. Dr. Pandey, for his part, recommends eating a banana around an hour before bedtime to take advantage of its "natural sedative" effect.

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