A small atomic energy battery could soon provide 50 years of autonomy for our devices
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A small atomic energy battery could soon provide 50 years of autonomy for our devices

Could we one day do without recharging our smartphones or any other electronic device? It's quite possible with this tiny atomic energy battery. With its miniaturization, the size of a small coin, this new technology could adapt to any type of device, guaranteeing about fifty years of autonomy, as reported by the website futura-sciences.com.

This atomic energy battery could provide 50 years of autonomy.

The first unveiled model is a module the size of a coin, measuring 15 x 15 x 5 mm. It could alone equip various sensors or small drones. Modular, this technology could theoretically adapt to any type of device, offering up to 50 years of guaranteed autonomy each time!

This may seem obviously impractical for a computer or smartphone, but in practice, it would mean never needing to recharge them. Beyond everyday objects, these atomic energy batteries could initially meet professional needs in aerospace, medical, or robotics.

In essence, atomic energy cells could revolutionize the industry, especially with the exploitation of a new generation of diamond semiconductors. Betavolt Technology states that it has entered a pilot phase before the first production phase planned for 2025. If this technology were to become widespread, it would mark the end of the need to recharge electronic devices. A true revolution!

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